The American Negro Historical Society Papers contain 1 letter from Sumner to the Pennsylvania State Equal Rights League, 1868 Dec. 8. The Cadwalader Collection contains 3 letters from Sumner to Richard Peters, 1836 Nov. 23, 1836 Dec. 20, and 1843 Feb. 2; and MS draft of John Cadwalader Remarks on the assault committed by Preston Brooks upon Sumner, [ca.1856], (ca. 95pp). The Salmon P. Chase Papers contain 5 letters from Sumner to Chase, 1845 Dec. 11, 1864 Nov. 20, 1864 Dec. 21, 1865 July 1, and 1865 Oct. 17; and 1 letter from Chase to Sumner, 1865 Apr. 8. The Dreer Collection contains 1 letter from Alexis H. C. de Tocqueville to Sumner, 1856; 1 letter from Sumner to [ ], 1868 Aug. 30; and 1 letter from Sumner to [ ], 1869 Dec. 24. The Edward Carey Gardiner Collection contains 1 letter from Sumner to Mrs. Henry C. Baird, [undated]; 1 letter from Sumner to Henry C. Carey, 1868 Dec. 14; 1 letter from Caroline M. Tyler to Henry C. Carey, 1869 May 26 concerning Sumner's speech; and 1 letter from C. G. Von Rosen to Henry C. Carey, 1869 May 23 concerning Sumner's speech. The Gratz Collection contains 1 letter from Joel F. Asper to Sumner, 1869 Aug. 3; 1 letter from Thomas Crawford, 1842 Jan. 4; 2 letters from Sumner to Rufus W. Griswold, 1842 Aug. 2 and 1858 Mar. 17; 1 letter from John G. Palfrey to Sumner, 1848 Feb. 14; 1 letter from Sumner to Mrssrs. Pennington ? 1 letter from William Whewell to Sumner, 1845 Dec. 8; 1 letter from Sumner to [ ] Whipple, [not after Dec. 30]; 3 letters from Sumner to [ ], 1865 Feb.17, 1871 Mar. 11 and [undated]; and a quotation from Milton's, Sonnet to Fairfax, used in Sumner's oration, The true grandeur of nations, 1845. The Helena Hubbell Collection contains 1 letter from Sumner to [ ], 1837 May 5. The Charles Godfrey Leland Papers contain 1 letter from Sumner to Charles Leland, 1856 Oct. 10; and a newspaper clipping giving slavery as the principle cause of the Civil War and reprimands Senator Charles Sumner for having supported pro-slavery bills, [no place], [1861 Oct. 19]. The George G. Meade Papers contain 1 letter from Edgar Cowan to General Meade concerning Sumner, Stevens and Co., 1866 Jan. 23. The Society Collection contains 1 letter from Sumner to Rev. C. M. Butler, 1853 Dec. 31 (photocopy); 1 letter from Theoph. P. Chandler to Sumner, 1862 Dec. 31; 1 letter from Sumner to Henry W. Longfellow, 1870 Jan. 22; 1 letter from John H. Rice to Sumner, 1863 Jan. 20; 3 letters from Sumner to [ ], 1847 Nov. 26, [not after Dec. 25], and [undated]; 1 letter from Sumner to Col. [ ], [undated]; and 1 check signed by Sumner, 1869 Apr. 14. The Hannah Severn Collection contains 1 letter from Sumner to [ ] Field, 1865 Sept. 7. The Mary L. Suydom Collection contains a check signed by Sumner, 1873 Feb. 19. The Wallace Papers contain 1 letter from Sumner to John B. Wallace, 1835 Jan. 13.